Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Use Affinity Licensing to Jump Start New Product Sales

by: Geoff Ficke

I recently met a bank executive who had been laid off in a corporate downsizing. The man was understandably concerned about his and his family’s future. He lived in an area that was experiencing exceptionally stark economic circumstances. This gentleman had received a modest severance package, and this slim lifeline was of crucial importance to his immediate future. 

My marketing consulting firm had been asked by the former bank executive to review a business opportunity he was considering investing in. He was not sure whether he should plunge into an entrepreneurial venture or hoard the severance and use it for basic family needs for as long as it would last. This is a tough call and one we see people forced to make all too often in these tough times. 

Of course, we diligently attempt to advise clients to take the most realistic, prudent path when considering such a lifestyle change. In this case, this family man had never been self-employed. Could he absorb the constant buffeting that entrepreneurs experience as they attempt to start a new business life in a completely new industry? After a good deal of consultation, probing and presenting a mountain of “devil’s advocate” questions, the client was able to impress us with his determination. 

The business he was considering purchasing was a small manufacturer of a Home and Garden yard accessory line of products. The products were mundane. There was plenty of competition. He enjoyed no particular Unique Selling Proposition (USP) or pricing advantage. 

We could only identify one USP that was not being addressed by any of his Home and Garden category competitors. This was Affinity Licensing.

We called several local major universities and discussed obtaining the rights to use their school colors, mascot icons and logo’s on the yard product. After viewing the products and negotiating use of their trademarks, each university agreed to allow us the license for specific product adornment. We paid a small usage fee, agreed on a percentage royalty and obtained rights for using their art on specific products that we would manufacture, market and sell. 

The new business owner, the former bank executive, now had a chance to differentiate his product from his competitors. He made a small inventory utilizing each University license to dress and enhance his Home and Garden accessories. Initially, he sold product to local landscapers, florists and garden shops. The products flew off shelves.

Licensed product, also known as Affinity product, always enjoys superior loyalty from proud alumni, sport team fans and supporters. Affinity products also enjoy premium retail pricing over unmarked competitive products. 

Our client, the newly minted entrepreneur, is already expanding production. He is negotiating with the NCAA and major sports leagues for more licenses. His licensed Home and Garden products have been accepted to participate in a national trade show heavily attended by big box retail buyers.

This client simply did not lose his head in the face of great turbulence in his life. He made all of the right moves and was prudent in seeking guidance, support and performing due diligence before he jumped into the fire. The future looks bright at present. Income opportunities abound and by creating a USP for his product he separated his new business from more entrenched, larger competitors.

Geoff Ficke has been a serial entrepreneur for almost 50 years. As a small boy, earning his spending money doing odd jobs in the neighborhood, he learned the value of selling himself, offering service and value for money.

After putting himself through the University of Kentucky (B.A. Broadcast Journalism, 1969) and serving in the United States Marine Corp, Mr. Ficke commenced a career in the cosmetic industry. After rising to National Sales Manager for Vidal Sassoon Hair Care at age 28, he then launched a number of ventures, including Rubigo Cosmetics, Parfums Pierre Wulff Paris, Le Bain Couture and Fashion Fragrance.

Geoff Ficke and his consulting firm, Duquesa Marketing, Inc. ( has assisted businesses large and small, domestic and international, entrepreneurs, inventors and students in new product development, capital formation, licensing, marketing, sales and business plans and successful implementation of his customized strategies. He is a Senior Fellow at the Page Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Business School, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.

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Orignal From: Use Affinity Licensing to Jump Start New Product Sales

What to Consider Before Accepting a Job Promotion

Most often, the best performing employees with great interpersonal skills and experience earn a promotion at their work places. Because of the great qualities one possesses, the management may recommend an individual to be promoted. So then, what should you reflect on before accepting the new post? Do you just accept the position without any queries?

It is of uttermost importance that the post you accept is in line with your career aspirations. This would prevent a scenario where you waste time carrying out tasks that delay the realization of your professional dreams.

When you accept a new role, you need time to learn what is required of you. It will be of interest to you to know that your new supervisor will allow you some time to settle in.

It does help to weigh your skills and academic qualifications against what is expected of you in your new position. If you fail to check your skills you may be frustrated while trying to meet your targets and you realize that you do not know how to go about a task, yet your deadline to deliver is getting closer.

You also need to evaluate whether the responsibilities in the new job outweigh the benefits of the promotion. You may take up a job that robs you off all your personal time and risks your health despite offering you a good pay.

Have others turned down the offer to take up the promotion which is now being offered to you? Find out why others rejected the offer and see whether you are up to the game despite the challenges that have been cited by others.

Remember you are a valuable employee and that is why you are being offered a promotion. Do not be desperate to take up a job that will leave you regretting.

Stephen shares his experience in self development tips, Online Business ideas and Business Marketing strategies that will add value to your life. Website: Self Development Tips

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Orignal From: What to Consider Before Accepting a Job Promotion

A brief summary on Accounting

Accounting is keeping financial records, recording income and expenditure, valuing assets and liabilities, and so on. Accountants, unlike bookkeepers, analyze financial records, and decide how to present them. There are several types of accounting:

-Managerial accounting is preparing budgets and other financial reports necessary for management.

-Cost accounting working out the unit cost of products, including materials, labor and all other expenses.

-Tax accounting calculating an individual’s or a company’s liability for tax.

-Creative accounting uses all available accounting procedures and tricks to disguise the true financial position of a company.

And bookkeeping is writing down the details of transactions (debits and credits). Bookkeepers have to record every purchase and sale that a business makes, in the order that they take place, in journals. At a later date, these temporary records are entered in or posted to the relevant account book or ledger. At the end of an accounting period, all the relevant totals are transferred to the profit and loss account. Double-entry bookkeeping records the dual effect of every transaction â€" a value both receives and parted with. Payments made or debits are entered of the left-hand (debtors) side of an account, and payments received or credits on the right-hand side. Bookkeepers periodically do a trial balance to test whether both sides of an account match.

Actually, bookkeeping is only a part of accounting - the record-making part. And accounting itself includes also analytic and interpretation part, it shows the relationship between the financial results and events, which have created them.

There are three main steps in making records in bookkeeping:

- Recording every purchase and sale that a business makes

- Entering these temporary records in the ledger - a book of secondary, final entry, containing individual accounts.

- Transferring all the relevant totals to the profit and loss account.

The main principle of bookkeeping is double-entry principle. It states that each transaction must be recorded as two separate entries: a value both received and parted with. Payments made or debits are entered on the left-hand (debtor) side of an account, and payments received or credits on the right-hand (creditor) side.

One of the functions of accounting is valuing assets, which are things of value or earning power to a firm. Assets can include cash, receivables, bank deposits, and trade investments: investments in other companies. Such assets are called current assets. Assets including land, plant, buildings, and furniture, are called fixed assets. Assets such as plant and equipment that over time wear out or become outdated are said to depreciate. A charge must be made for this depreciation or amortization in calculating a business’s profitability: the assets are depreciated or amortized by an amount each year. Also there are intangible assets, which may include such things as patents owned by the company, and goodwill, the value of the company as a functioning business or going concern with a client base, experienced management, and other benefits that a start-up may not have.

All the money that a company will have to pay to someone else in the future, including taxes, debts, and interest and mortgage payments is called liabilities. Long-term debts are long-term liabilities. The ratio of a firm’s debt to equity is its gearing or leverage; a firm with a high proportion of debt in relation to equity is highly geared or highly leveraged. Short-term debts and debts to suppliers are among its current liabilities.

In accordance with the principle of double-entry bookkeeping, the basic accounting equation is Assets = Liabilities + Owners’ (Stockholders’) Equity. This can be rewritten as Assets â€" Liabilities = Owners’ Equity or Net Assets. This includes share capital (money received from the issue of shares); share premium or paid-in surplus (any money realized by selling shares at above their nominal value), and the company’s reserves, including the year’s retained profits. Stockholders’ or shareholders’ equity or net assets are generally less than a company’s market capitalization, because net assets do not record items such as goodwill.

The amount of business done by a company over a year is called turnover. The reduction in value of a fixed asset during the years it is in use (charged against profits) is called depreciation. Debtors or account receivable are the sums of money owed by customers for goods or services purchased on credit. And sums of money owed to suppliers for purchases made on credit are called creditors or accounts payable. The inventory includes the value of raw materials, work in progress, and finished products stored ready for sale. The various expenses of operating a business that cannot be charged to any one product, process or department are called overheads.

There are various possible ways of recording debits and credits, valuing assets and liabilities, calculating profits and losses, etc. But there are about a dozen generally accepted “accounting principles” that accountants must follow in order to present “a true and fair view” of a company’s finances.

The principles are the separate-entity or accounting entity assumption (an enterprise is an accounting unit separate from its owners, creditors, etc.), the continuity or going-concern assumption (the business will continue indefinitely into the future), the unit-of-measure assumption (all transactions and other items to be accounted for must be in a single, supposedly stable monetary unit), the time-period or accounting period assumption (financial data must be reported for particular period, which makes accrual and deferral necessary), the revenue or realization principle (revenue is realized at the moment when goods are sold or when services are rendered). Consequently, the most common accounting system is historical cost accounting, which records assets at their original purchase price, minus accumulated depreciation charges.

Company law specifies that shareholders must be given certain financial information. Companies generally include three financial statements in their annual reports. The profit and loss account or income statement shows revenue and expenditure. The balance sheet shows a company’s financial situation on a particular date, generally the last day of the financial year. The third financial statement has various names, including the source and application of funds statements, and the statement of changes in financial position. This shows the flow of cash in and out of the business between balance sheet dates. Sources of funds include trading profits, depreciation provisions, sales of assets, borrowing, and the issuing of shares. Application of funds includes purchases of fixed of financial assets, payment of dividends, repayment of loans, and â€" in a bad year â€" trading losses.

Companies generally include three financial statements in their annual reports.

The profit and loss account or income statement shows revenue and expenditure. It usually gives figures for total sales or turnover and costs and overheads. The first figure should obviously be higher than the second, i.e. there should be a profit. Part of the profit goes to the government in taxation, part is usually distributed to shareholders (stockholders) as a dividend, and part is retained by the company.

The Balance Sheet is a document that shows the totals of money received and money paid out by a company and the difference between them. The balance sheet includes two parts: 1. Assets and 2. liabilities and share capital. Both parts should always be balanced.

The item current assets include cash, marketable securities, accounts receivable and stock-in-trade. Thus these assets appear to be working assets. Current assets are the assets, which a company can convert quickly into cash, usually stock and accounts receivable falling due within one year. Cash includes bills, petty cash fund and money on deposit.

Marketable securities are a short-term investment of surplus or temporary free assets. Normally these assets are allocated into commercial securities or federal bonds. As securities can be required at short notice they are to be easily realized and be subject to price fluctuations as little as possible. The balance sheet shows their nominal cost, their market value is given in brackets.

Account receivables are amounts owed to a business by suppliers of goods and services. Usually customers are allowed a 30, 60 or 90 day’s period of time within which they are to effect a payment. However. Some customers are not able to pay owing either to financial difficulties or contingency. Hence, the amount is to be reduced for the reserve allowance for bad debt.

Stock-in-trade includes raw materials to be used for production and semi-finished goods. The stock-in-trade value is defined either by its cost or cost market value. The preference is given to a lower one.

Capital assets include property, premises, plant and machinery, and equipment. They are not meant for sale but for the goods production, storage and transportation. This category comprises land, buildings, machinery, equipment, furniture and vehicles. Thus, net capital assets reflect the volume of investment made into property, plant and machinery, and equipment. Capital assets lose their value with age and use. The real cost of capital assets may gradually lose their value as a result of obsolescence of machinery. New modern technologies make the old equipment obsolescent. Thus, depreciation is a gradual loss in the value of something, such as a vehicle, a machine or any asset that wears out with use and age. The land cannot be depreciated; its value stays unchanged year after year.

Prepayments and deferred charges include, for instance, insurance against fire prepayment or lease prepayments etc.

Deferred charges are similar to prepayments. For instance, a manufacturer allocates money into research work, positive results of which and profit will be seen many years later. So costs are to be discounted within the years to follow.

Intangibles like patents, goodwill and trademarks are not physical substances and are differently evaluated by various companies or may not be evaluated at all.

The third financial statement has various names, including the source and application of funds statement, and the statement of changes in financial position. This shows the flow of cash in and out of the business between balance sheet dates. Sources of funds include trading profits, depreciation provisions, sales of assets, borrowing, and the issuing of shares. Applications of funds include purchases of fixed or financial assets, payment of dividends, repayment of loans, and â€" in a bad year â€" trading losses.

Finally I’d like to speak about the last aspect - aspect of human factor in accounting. Accounting is not completely objective, because it’s not a collection of arithmetical techniques, but a set of complex processes and most accounting reports depend on people’s skills and opinion. So to be professional accountant it’s not enough just to study all rules and order of filing documents. You should feel the inner principles of all these numbers.

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Orignal From: A brief summary on Accounting

Term Vs Whole Life Insurance - Which is the Best Option & Can Save You the Most Money?

If you are in the market for live insurance, you may be pondering on the benefits of term vs whole life insurance. Both types have their own good and bad points, but what it comes down to is how long you want the coverage for and how much you are willing to spend on premiums per month.

Term insurance is just as the name suggests: life insurance for a specific term. Some may wonder the benefits of getting life insurance that lasts only through a previously specified duration and not until the actual time that the holder of the policy passes away, but there really are some.

The biggest reason that anyone gets term as opposed to whole is simply because the price is generally much lower -- in some cases a full 40% lower. For most families who do not have a high amount of disposable income, term is the preferred choice just to be safe. But it is worth noting that the turn in rate for term is only 1% -- simply not many people cash out the policy because they don't pass away within the time span of the policy. However; if the policy is taken out before a planned risky trip or medical procedure, it can actually make a difference.

Whole life insurance lasts from the time the policy is taken out until the time that the policy holder passes away, but guaranteed coverage does not come without a price. The rates for whole insurance are much higher than most people seeking insurance would like to pay unless they are certain they are going to need it. But the convenience of not having to extend coverage is a selling point for many.

Term vs. whole life insurance is purely a matter of personal preference and financial stability. More times than not, those who can afford whole insurance will purchase it, while those who cannot will choose term. The concept of having a life insurance policy that eventually runs out is a turn off for many, even if it is all they can afford.

No matter which type of coverage you decide on, be certain that now is the time to do it and shop among agencies carefully. Many insurance agencies offer both types of coverage, so it is all a matter of getting past the underwriting process. There is no "versus" in term vs whole life insurance -- it all depends on what you're looking for and what you can handle.

To find the best term life insurance options available, then visit the #1 life insurance resource on the net at:

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Orignal From: Term Vs Whole Life Insurance - Which is the Best Option & Can Save You the Most Money?

STOP PRESS! Latest Interviews with Sales Gurus Released

I’ve just had the most wonderful conversation with a very experienced Sales Consultant from Sydney. Her name is Karen. She helps businesses make the sales process easier and more fun! She usually charges a very expensive fee to consult to businesses, however, in this interview she revealed some of her best secrets, such as:

  • How to find the best mentors and use them to help make you successful in sales
  • How to Cold Call and What to Say if you get rejected
  • How often to keep calling your customers
  • How to “earn the right” to do business with companies
  • Different sales strategies for different types of products
  • A simple way to entice interest in your product when cold calling
  • Exactly how to setup strategic alliances and referrals (you can make huge sales if you get this one right)
  • Gret ways to test if your own business will have a good market penetration
  • What to look for when hiring a great salesperson
  • The single best question to ask to determine whether you should hire a salesperson
  • What are the different types of salespeople, and which category you fit into
  • How to use “plant seeds” to generate sales leads (you’ll be the only person in your market who does this!)
  • Great tactics for meetng people at networking lunches
  • Unusual ways to use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to generate new leads
  • How to find a sales job on Facebook
  • Position yourself as an expert in your field using Twitter
  • Use LinkedIn to find targeted prospects for your product
  • A very fast and reliable way to get to small businesses
  • Should you pay a referral fee to alliance businesses?
  • The quickest way to turn around a poor sales performer
  • Karen’s process for turning around underperforming companies
  • Expert Tips for selling Expensive Products

If you would like a copy of this interview, simply subscribe to my Interviews With Sales Gurus and I’ll send you a copy immediately!

Read more on to learn Sales Strategies for Selling Expensive Products here

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Orignal From: STOP PRESS! Latest Interviews with Sales Gurus Released

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

C-Level Selling: Are You a Tiger, a Phil or Struggle to Make the Cut

I can't help but compare Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson to selling.  Tiger Woods came in second place at the Tour Championship, yet walked away with $10 million as the FedEx Cup champion and $800,000 for his second-place finish.  Phil Mickelson walked away with $3 million for the FedEx Cup and $1.35 million for winning the tournament.  The comment by Phil was "Let me get this straight.  I shoot a 65 and win $1.3 million and Tiger shoots a 70 and wins $10 million?"  That's right.  Tiger was consistent over time.  Phil had a great day.


How many Tigers do you have in your organization?  How many Phil’s?  How many struggle to make the cut?


If you think about it, this makes perfect sense.  Tiger was consistent throughout the playoffs and throughout the year.  Phil was not.  Tiger Woods, the consummate in consistency, work ethic, and diligence, plus a lot of skill, stays the course.  He works golf as a process, continues to get coaching, and continues to come in usually first or second, and always within the top 10.  On the other hand, Phil Mickelson has a ton of skill, but not overly diligent in his work ethic, and just within the past two years has embraced coaching.  Tiger produces every time he plays.  Phil has moments of greatness, and then ends up down in the pack at other times.  In all fairness to Phil he did have personal problems this year.  However, over the long run he's just not that consistent yet Tiger is.


Think about your salespeople, (or yourself, if you're a salesperson).  Does your salesperson, or you, close the sale, 7/10 times, or do they score big every once in a while?  Which would you rather have?  What are you willing to invest, if anything, to get it?


Selling is a process and like golf, it requires training, practice, coaching, and reinforcement.  Unlike golf, there is no reward for a second or lower place, which makes selling effectiveness even more critical. 


The process of selling may sound simple -- prospecting, presenting, addressing objections, and closing.  However each of these is as complex as driving, hitting long irons, pitching, chipping and putting -- and for those of you tried it, you know just how complex it is.  The big difference between professional golfer and professional salespeople is that in golf every person that makes money was trained and practiced long and hard before he or she made a time.  Most salespeople learn to sell on the job and unlike golfers, rarely get on-going coaching.


So consider these:

  • Which of your salespeople are Tigers?  Which are Phils?
  • Are you satisfied with each of their performances?
  • Do you have a selling process that can be managed to and structured to make both salespeople and sales managers accountable?
  • Have your people, or you, been trained to sell effectively or were they "experienced" when you hire them?
  • Do you have an on-going coaching program?
  • Are you willing to invest to improve your sales team?


Success is not an accident.  There are many golfers with the talent of a Tiger or Phil that can not get on any money Tour.  In addition to having skill, Tiger and Phil work extremely hard to stay where they are.  They train, practice, pursue coaching and compete aggressively.  Likewise, your salespeople, or you, must do the same to be successful in selling -- train, practice, pursued coaching and learn to compete aggressively.


And now I invite you to learn more.

 Bonus Tip:  Free Book â€" “TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER$” â€" The Complete Guide to C-Level Selling â€" hardback version.  Network, get past gatekeepers, interact with executives, secure commitments and sell more than you ever thought possible.  Click  to learn more about this fantastic offer.

Sam Manfer is a sales force development expert and makes any sales manager or sales person feel comfortable and confident getting to and talking with powerful decision makers. For his free “Selling Wisdoms” e-zine and articles on overcoming all the problems with C-Level Selling visit .

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Orignal From: C-Level Selling: Are You a Tiger, a Phil or Struggle to Make the Cut

The Proactive Association Job Search

You're burned out, but employed, or unemployed - but really want to get it right this time. Now is the perfect time to take control of your job search. Don't settle for yet another unfulfilling job. Learn how to proactively target the ideal position, with the ideal employer, at the ideal location, in the rewarding job sector of nonprofit associations.

Step 1. Pick Your Ideal Position
OK, dream big, think about what your perfect association job would be. Associations offer careers in many areas, such as: administration, education, public policy, human resources, finance, membership, marketing, meeting planning, publications, and technology. For illustrative purposes, lets say you have grant writing experience and that your perfect job would be in fundraising. The ideal position is where your passion, skills, and real world organizational needs intersect.

Step 2. Pick Your Ideal Location
Life's too short for long, blood pressure-raising commutes. Define a maximum radius from where you live, to where you would be willing to commute to (the assumption is that full-time telecommuting is not available). An example would be that you would be willing to work at an association located within 15 miles from where you live.

Step 3. Pick Your Ideal Employer
By using the following research tools and resources, you can select organizations whose missions align with yours and who match the distance criteria you set in step 2.

  • A good place to find associations seeking help near your home is to use a job search aggregator such as Simply Hired or Indeed. (PAC) partners with Simply Hired and provides quality association searches by state, city, zip, and distance in miles.

  • PAC also offers comprehensive, hand-picked resources for researching associations - great for identifying associations with interests similar to yours.

  • A quick way to locate nearby associations is to use Google Maps. Simply enter: "category:"Associations Societies & Foundations" loc: 20219" in the search box (omit outer quotes). This example will return a map displaying all the associations, societies, and foundations near the Washington, DC zip code 20219. You can replace the zip code with your own and narrow the results by distance as needed.

Step 4. Start Digging
Now that you've identified some top association prospects, it's time for some in-depth research. Start by visiting their websites. Take close note of their latest news items, in particular look for any new programs, projects, or initiatives. Read their leadership profiles, and information about their governance, Annual Meetings, public policy, advocacy, etc. If their newsletters are available to the general public, read the last years worth in detail. See if they have an internal job board/career center. Even if there are no open positions of direct relevance to you, read a few of the other job opening descriptions to get a flavor of what the workplace environment may be like. You may also want to see if the career intelligence site the Vault has any anonymous employee reviews about the organizations - to gain an insider's perspective. All this information will be invaluable in your interview (positive thinking!), but for now you are looking for one or two ways you can bring tangible value to the organization.

Step 5. Sell Yourself/Solve a Problem
Locate the name and contact information of the person who think would make the hiring decision related to your ideal position. The website may have a staff directory, or you may need to call the organization for this information. Mail this person an introductory letter stating how you may be able to add value and fill an organizational need. As an example, in your research you learned that Association X has just launched a new multi-year education initiative for underserved populations, a light bulb may go on in your head... they are going to need sustained funding for the project. That's a nugget that you can incorporate into your letter. You would note your interest in the new initiative, and then describe your expertise in fundraising and how you might go about procuring long-term funding.

Step 6. Patience & Persistence
In the above scenario you are making a "blind" contact, not responding to current job announcement. A likely first response is that they will keep your information on file for future consideration. Ideally, they would see the benefit of creating a new position, but this may not be possible within their current budget cycle. This is where patience and persistence is crucial. You should ask your contact if it's OK to follow-up periodically with a call or an email. Bookmark the organization's website and check it weekly for new openings, promotions, or staff turnover. A job email alert could also be setup with one of the major job search engines (e.g.,, to automatically send you an email whenever the organization's name appears in a job listing. You've identified your dream job - don't give up!

David Driggers is an association professional with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of the job search and career site, at The mission of is to provide a simple, yet comprehensive gateway to rewarding career opportunities at associations and societies.

Article Source:

Orignal From: The Proactive Association Job Search





1. Nature of Assets purchased

Any expenditure incurred to acquire a fixed asset or in connection with installation (expenses for installation) of fixed asset is capital expenditure.


Any expenditure incurred as price of goods purchased for resale along with other necessary expenses incurred in connection with such purchase are revenue expenses.

2. Discharging Liability

A payment made by a person to discharge a capital  liability is a capital expenditure



An expenditure incurred to discharge a revenue liability is revenue expenditure

3. Based on Transactions

If expenditure is incurred to acquire a source of income, it is capital expenditure e.g., purchase of patents to produce picture tubes of TV set.



An expenditure incurred to earn an income is revenue expenditure. E.g.  salary, advertisement etc.

4. Purpose of Transactions

If the amount is spent on increasing the earning capacity of an asset it is capital expenditure



Any expenditure incurred on keeping an asset in running condition is revenue expenditure

5. Nature of Payments in the hands of payer

If the expenses is incurred for acquiring capital asset from revenue receipts is also treated as capital expenditure


If the nature of payment in the hands of payer is of revenue nature, it will be revenue expenditure.




  1. Cost of reconstructing, refurnishing, etc. of a business building.
  2. Payment made with a view to keeping his competitor out of his field of business
  3. Expenditure incurred in converting business premises when switching over from manufacture of one product to another.
  4. Expenditure on litigation in connection with acquiring or curing defective assets of the business.
  5. Compensation paid for cancellation of contract for the purchase of machinery.
  6. Price paid for the purchase of partner’s share in the firm.
  7. Expenditure incurred on the maintenance of business reputation





  1. Payment made for use of quota rights, or for use of patents and trade marks.
  2. Payment made for technical assistance.
  3. Expenditure incurred to send employees abroad for practical training    
  4. Repairs and maintenance incurred for machinery
  5. Discharging compensation package to the employees
  6. Expenditure incurred in raising loans, e.g., stamp duty, registration and legal fees, brokerage etc.
  7. Any such expenditure incurred wholly, totally, necessarily for the business.

Article Source:


BPO Outsourcing shifts internal job to External Company

BPO Outsourcing means shifting of internal job to external Company, with different geographical location, sometimes. BPO Outsourcing is generally done at different geographical location by USA and UK. These countries find it feasible enough to get their job done from countries like India, as they provide same services at much lower cost.

Through Call Centers India, Companies in Usa and Uk are able to reduce their procurement cost, substantially. Secondly, Small Companies can procure services with ease. Business Process Outsourcing is involved with back-end jobs like billing, payroll processing, data entry, and the like. These jobs are performed with full competence through BPOs, within the stipulated time period.

BPO Outsourcing is absolutely competitive and up to the mark, so clients do not have to worry over any type of services, whatsoever. The best part is that they are able to reduce their cost of services to bring down cost, substantially.

Different benefits of BPO Outsourcing are:

Time Saving: Processing of all the services, by oneself is cumbersome and time consuming. Promoters might lose on their main business tract due to extra time-spending in related activities. When you are an expert in your field, then it is not essential that you are aware of all activities, related to your business. It saves time when you opt for BPO Outsourcing of all essential jobs from some reputed outsourcing Company.

Money saving: BPO Outsourcing is done to reduce cost of operations involved in those services. This is so because, outsourcing partner is apt in services and produce better results at comparatively much lower cost.

Professional touch to services: One business unit may not be best in all related services. One need to go for outsourcing of to service their customers with best possible services. BPOs are filled with professionals who provide their services with maximum efficiency. A professional touch to services creates better response and expertise in your work.

BPO Outsourcing is one of the best options for offshore clients. Offshore Companies are able to generate best results at lowest possible prices. BPO Outsourcing is done for various activities. Clients can take advantage from such offerings and enhance their services.

Jack Morkel is well known author has written article on Call Center Customer Service, Inbound Call Center, Offshore Call Center, International Call Center and many other subjects.

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Orignal From: BPO Outsourcing shifts internal job to External Company

Communicating with International clients simplified. Presenting the new age Conference calling services

The key to a prosperous and ever growing business is connecting. The globe is shrinking. Your potential clients can be all over the world. Hence, it is wise to be prepared to conduct meetings and carry out a one on one conversation with your clients.

It does not really matter whether you are a beginner or a small time business owner, communication is important. Effective communication is the key and only tool for propelling your business. Every time you think you do not conference calling services, think also about the numerous business opportunities you are jeopardizing. Thanks to innovation and advancement in technology, many portals are now offering services like conference calling. Such conference calling services enable you to connect with many people in a matter of few seconds. It is quick, easy and secure.

A simple conference calling service may not be of a great help to you if you are seeking to improve your productivity. The additional features of conference calling services enable you to record and exchange files. This becomes an advantage when you are dealing with international clients because here time is, of course, a crucial factor.

But in order to avail the additional features you will have to pay the extra charges. Done on a monthly basis, the services are affordable for small business owners and you can also make the payments online using your credit card. In order to get the best deal out of your conference calling services, you must do a detailed research and accept the plan most convenient and cost effective for you.

Now finding the conference calling services has been highly simplified. All you have to do is post your requirement or contact the previously placed ads in the classified section and get the best deal.

India Classifieds offers free online Classified ads for Services such as conference calling services from

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Orignal From: Communicating with International clients simplified. Presenting the new age Conference calling services

Being an Ethical and Eco-friendly Consumer

The organic movement has resulted in the ever growing demand of green products and eco-friendly investment opportunities. The number of green companies has also increased sharply in the last decade. Business organizations are not only embracing sustainable production methods but they are also introducing products that will help the consumers reduce carbon footprint and curb the harmful effects of global warming.

The concept of ethical consumerism has brought a revolution in wealthy capitalist societies as well as in the homes of ordinary people. Consumers all over the world are practicing ‘positive buying’ that will not only cause nominal harm to the environment but also make sure that the workers in the concerned industries are not being exploited. Today, large as well as small companies want to gain the reputation of an ethical corporation. They seem to be involved in improving the ethical standards of their produce with the growing demand of ethical products by the consumers.

There are several benefits associated with being an ethical consumer. By spending money on eco-friendly products, consumers can extend their direct support to green companies that are involved in enhancing the condition of industry workers while at the same time making profit to be further used for investment in clean technology. Convenience is another factor that is driving conscious consumers towards ethical products. Every time they purchase ethical products, their guilt free shopping will also help them make a difference.

With the popularity of ethical consumerism, companies are getting encouraged to create better products that will have positive social and environmental consequences. This not only gives the consumers a say in the way products are being made but it also forces the company to conduct business ethically. The ‘sustainability’ buzz seems to be catching on across the globe. With global warming all set to pose serious threats to human existence in the coming years, it has become essential for all to take a small step towards making the planet a better place to live in.

Kevin Long is the founder of Global Deaf Connection and the co-founder of Justmeans, a social utility site that helps companies to attract and ignite advocates of better business. Kevin has done significant business development work for both for-profit and non-profit organizations that support good work.

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Orignal From: Being an Ethical and Eco-friendly Consumer

The Game of Feedback & Performance Improvement...How Do You Play?

Do you play front and center or from behind and to the side? Do you engage your team mate directly to help him “up his game”? Or do you do it through others? The coach, the other players, the water boy? Where does your energy go when you think about giving feedback (up, down, out, in)? What’s the energy you hold when you provide it?

I get to work with people on feedback quite a bit. Giving it. Receiving it.

Fearing it. Loving it. Making sure it is in service of. Cleaning it up so it’s not personal. Cleaning it up so it actually helps. All in service of creating better results, better relationships, smarter collaboration, safety for risk taking, and ultimately cultures and leaders that inspire trust and the best results possible.

As always, I notice trends. I notice when people are careful. And why. When they pull their punches. And why. When they sabotage the feedback. And why.

When they avoid it. And why. When it gets totally distorted. And why. When it’s productive or not. And why. It’s a simple, yet complex game. And one that is important in creating trust and good results in your organization.

Being in the position to help folks give feedback in some cases, and to help clients integrate it in others (discerning the good from the bad, the helpful from the not, the service oriented from the personal), I am often sought out by their peers, direct reports, bosses, even their spouses, to “give me just a little bit extra feedback” on the side, or to tell me about something that’s happened that they disagree with or are “concerned about.”

I notice that with this often comes speculation about what might be going on for the subject, analysis, etc. â€" a lot of it based on assumptions and the individual’s discomfort or personal preferences of what it should look like.

Depending on the scope of the work and the agreements designed with my client, how these interactions are handled may be different. And one thing that is consistent is that I’ll always ask the person if they’ve delivered the feedback directly before bringing it to me. Sometimes they have, often they haven’t, and even more often they don’t want it “traced” back to them.

I can understand where this comes from for many, after all feedback can be a scary thing and rouses up many underlying beliefs for all of us whether (we’re giving it or receiving it), and I’d like to offer that there is a tremendous opportunity for “walking through the fire together,” holding ones “space,” strengthening relationships, and achieving an even better outcome through all of this.

*Here are two common scenarios that interfere with trust and results when it comes to feedback. *See if either of these offers you anything:

For these examples we’ll look a “Mary” and “Mark” and “Clyde” and “Sue.”

*Scenario 1:* Mary gives feedback about Mark to a 3rd party (ie. Mark’s coach or his “boss” or another colleague, etc.)- instead of delivering it directly â€" and hopes that it will get delivered “appropriately” for her. (Often this is because she doesn’t want the confrontation, she doesn’t think it’s her “job,” she doesn’t know how, or it’s not “clean” and she senses or knows it.)

*Impact: * Triangulation (which rhymes with strangulation and I think they have similar impacts!) A “triangulation” situation, in which someone is in the middle of the two people who should be directly engaging, actually takes the power out of the primary relationship (Mary and Mark), creates passivity, abdicates leadership to the 3rd party, compromises the integrity of the feedback, and ultimately ends up in diminished trust and results.

*Alternative:* If Mary notices the feedback to be given and isn’t sure how to go about it â€" I believe it’s fine, and even responsible, to engage a TRUSTED* 3rd party to get support in making sure that it’s clean and useful feedback (it’s not personal, it’s specific, it gives them somewhere to go, it’s co-active), and that it’s handled with care and delivered with the best approach in order to be most helpful. (*By trusted, I mean someone who will hold it with confidence, hold her “accountable”, help her truly navigate through it, make sure it’s clean, AND not collude, gossip or nitpick with her about it.) In this scenario Mary owns the feedback. She commits to delivering it directly to Mark (what he does with it is another post!) This keeps the 3rd party outside the system, and there to help “clean up” and optimize the feedback if needed, and keeps the power of the relationship with Mark and Mary (allowing them to experience the trust as their relationship grows.)

*Scenario 2:* Clyde gives feedback about Sue to a 3rd party but he DOESN’T want them to share it, repeat it, etc. He just wants them to “be aware” - but he also wants Sue to change and “get it” (and therefore hopes it will get handled somehow.) There’s a complaint there, with a request underneath, but it’s not being addressed directly â€" nor is he willing to “put it on the table.” Uggh.

*Impact:* This is even trickier than scenario #1 as the 3rd party can’t really do much with it, it’s not direct, it’s given in confidence, it’s passive, and therefore it’s not really helpful. (In fact, before I learned the lesson of how to more proactively design for this scenario, I once “returned to sender” saying there was nothing I could do with it if it was “in confidence” and they weren’t willing to participate. There wasn’t. If they’d been willing to share it outright or even with anonymity, we could have done something productive, but in this case, it was a no-starter.) Back to Clyde and Sue…By Clyde sharing this with the 3rd party, sure it’s possible that he/she might be able to keep the feedback in back pocket and be aware of it, and somehow use it to serve down the line…But, there’s a huge opportunity lost for supporting Sue (if the feedback comes from a good place.) And what I find even more interesting about it is to explore the learning underneath that scenario about what’s going on for Clyde and what might be happening in the relationship with Clyde and Sue….

*Alternative:* If you’re Clyde, explore your feedback more fully. Check out the questions that I list below. Identify the request you have underneath that complaint. (Complaints are generally uncommunicated requests.) Consider what “being in service of Sue” might look like truly. Check the feedback â€" if it’s personal or crooked â€" either don’t give it or clean it up (or call me and we’ll work on it together.) If you’re the 3rd party in that scene, you have a great opportunity to coach Clyde through what’s going on for him. If I happen to be that 3rd party we’ll often explore the feedback and what’s getting charged up for “Clyde” (because that’s often the case in this scenario â€" it’s personal.)

*I’ll also often ask one or all of a series of five questions to support a “Clyde” in moving forward:

1) Have you given the feedback to the individual directly? Is it in service of? What are you concerned will happen if you give it directly?

2) What’s the intent of sharing the feedback with me?

3) What do you hope to gain from sharing it? What might be different? What’s the outcome you seek? Or even (depending on my intuition) what are you really looking for here?

4) What would be wrong with my telling them you brought it up with me? (This will open up a lot…look deeply here, this is where the gifts are.)

5) How can I be most helpful to you? What is your next best step?

Try it on. If you answer those 5 questions, you’ll often find some pretty interesting answers as to where there’s a gap in the relationship or where you’re holding back, where you’re personally getting triggered, and at a minimum better clarity on what you hope to accomplish through that feedback…it also helps keep it clean so everyone is working together…the more direct and service oriented the feedback is, the greater the trust created, the more effective the feedback and the better the result.

Obviously it goes much deeper than this, and this is just food for thought for the next time you give feedback, are tempted to give it “through” someone else, or even better, someone comes to you (try on the questions with them, see what happens.) I offer these scenarios and “noticings” for other coaches and consultants doing this kind of work to “beware the lure of triangulation” and I also offer it to leaders in general as you lead your team and work to help your folks optimize performance. I believe the best way to build trust and to create the best end result is to in fact directly engage (dare to engage), to work through it and if needed to ask a 3rd party for support in being most helpful. As always, use these principles as they resonate for you and I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Anese Cavanaugh, founder of Dare To Engage, is devoted to helping forward thinking business leaders become revered leaders in business and life while they build a more authentically engaged workforce, retain top talent, and support personal sustainability throughout their organizations. With degrees and credentials in the areas of kinesiology, leadership development, productivity, coaching, and wellness, Anese brings a fresh perspective to experiential leadership training and fully engaged living, celebrating and honoring the hero within each person. For more about Anese or the Dare To Engage Programs or to receive a complimentary report and audio on "Energy & Results" go to

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Orignal From: The Game of Feedback & Performance Improvement...How Do You Play?

How to wind up a driving instructor company

Winding Up A Company

In these hard economic times business is very hard. If you are a company director looking for a bit of advice because your driving instructor business is struggling, you have come to the right place. I have created many articles which try to help a director take the right steps in either closing or liquidating a business or pre-packing a sale and starting again.

Firstly if your driving instructor company is insolvent you have a duty as a director to close the company and not incur any further debt, unless you can be pretty sure that you can put in place a rescue plan to turn that business around. If you can’t them you need to liquidate the company yourself or take professional advice on how best to close the business in an orderly fashion.

By far the most popular choice is to engage an insolvency practitioner to call a meeting of creditors on your behalf, prepare the statement of affairs, hold the meeting and then deal with all the procedural aspects of liquidation necessary to make sure all creditors now what is going on and how they can participate in any dividend. This is called a CVL or creditors voluntary liquidation.

There is a fee for all this and generally it will be about £5000 whoever you use around the country. There are some advertisements for liquidations at less than this but by the time all costs are accounted for, it will still come in at about the same sum.

These costs can come out of the assets of the driving instructor company and indeed many businesses do have just enough assets or cash to take this final step. For many businesses, the central core of what the business does is still profitable and so often directors will want to continue to trade. This is easily possible and a sale of assets can be arranged to a new company and a lease re-assigned by a landlord, which often leaves the new company trading on in the same line of work from the same premises.

Contact Steve Thatcher of Help With Debt (UK) Limited and total debt solutions company.
For all further reading see
For personal contact email

If you have any debt problem whatsover either personal or corporate make Steve your first call all advice is free. Finally if in the UK and you need a friend to speak to call 01162171406


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Companies Up Their Game for 2010

<a title="Learn More About Customer Acquisition At Zoot! Href=>customer acquisition</a> and retention are very important to any type of business. Whether you are an <a title="Learn More About An Application Service Provider At Zoot! Href=>application service provider</a> or a bank providing small business lending, every single business in this entire economy will need to consider a strategy for 2010.
Many people argue over the importance of focusing on getting new customers versus retaining the current ones. Both are important. However, depending on the type of business, it may be essential to create a business strategy that focuses more heavily on one area.

There are many ways that companies can go about keeping and maintaining customers. Some companies are looking at their digital or online approach. What kinds of virtual things are they involved in, where are they spending their digital money and how can they increase awareness of their brand or their company through the web. Some strategies focus around search engine optimization or search engine advertising, others focus on digital web or simply having an up-to-date and well organized website for customers to find.

However, along with a simple web presence, companies are increasing the virtual communities they join and are utilizing. People are using social networking like never before. Websites like Twitter or Facebook are popular and can be strongly used to influence people. You need to go where the people are located. And, the people are located online.

Along with an increased web presence and showing up in more virtual communities, companies are also taking more time with leadership training. By focusing on and establishing good leaders in the company a better and more productive atmosphere can be established. Teams need to be motivated in order to get their work done and good leaders can get their teams to do just that. With the weight of the economy and the difficulty in getting new customers and retaining old ones, it is so important to establish a company that is 100% committed to their mission and to the customer service they bring to their clients.

It is very easy for companies to fall into despair these days. Challenges are fierce and making money is more difficult than ever. However, there are strategies and hope that can be brought to companies so that they can weather the storm. Invest in your employees. Make sure they know that they hard work is appreciated. And, yes, even though they may not be making the same budgets that they were one year ago, they are still an asset to the organization. Strong, well-trained and caring leaders can communicate to their employees their importance along with the incentives and motivation it will take to create a strong, focused and consistent program or business.

Let’s face it; businesses will need to up their game in 2010. Whether it means focusing on a higher level of customer service, paying attention to the digital footprint they have and want or an increased presence in virtual communities, companies are going to need to get serious about their strategy. Take a moment to take inventory of your company and make sure that you are going to have a successful start to the new year. It can be done. And, even if it is more difficult than before, make sure you set yourself up for the most success possible.

About the Author: Rebecca Beckett is a freelance writer for Innuity. If you would like more information about customer acquisition or application service provider go to Zoot

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Orignal From: Companies Up Their Game for 2010

Don't Waste a Perfectly Good Crisis

Very often, great companies become even greater when a crisis forces the decision to go. There's a tremendous sense of clarity and urgency that can come from facing disaster. It's in these moments of truth that the true Category of One company rises to the top. For extraordinary companies, a crisis can thin the herd and force the competition to find another line of work.

The historic economic meltdown of 2008 gave us an almost limitless supply of practical business lessons. Perhaps the most impactful of those lessons is that there can be tremendous value in a crisis. When taking action is just an option, it's easy to continue having meetings about it. But when the banks stop making loans, customers are canceling orders, revenue is plummeting, and your cash flow is slowing down to a trickle, you begin to realize that more meetings aren't the answer. You have to do something and do it now.

It's been said that a recession is a reallocation of money from the scared to the bold. The reaction of many people to a crisis is to hunker down, play defense, and protect what they've got. They're scared. They're like a squirrel in the middle of the road with a fast-moving car heading straight for it. They turn left, then right, then freeze. Only the fast reflexes of the car driver can save the day. But a crisis doesn't care. It won't swerve to miss you. Survival requires action.

Hard times bring out the motivational slogans. One of the most popular slogans in times of recession is "Recession? What recession? I refuse to participate in the recession." I understand the idea behind that line of thinking. The problem is that if you don't recognize the existence of a recession, you'll likely miss the extraordinary opportunity it presents. Not participating in a recession means that it's business as usual. But it's most definitely not business as usual. Everything's different, and you have to take advantage of the changes. You should not only participate in a recession but do it with the pedal to the medal. Don't pretend that it doesn't exist -- use it.

In January 2009, 1 was working with a company at their World Leadership Conference. Six hundred of the top leaders of this company had gathered to plot their course of action in the face of a monumental economic downturn. The company was, fortunately, in a position of strength, with a strong balance sheet, talented employees, and great products. They were, however, not the leader in many of their markets.

One of the division presidents made an impassioned plea to the attendees. "This recession won't last forever," he said. "We can't make the mistake of letting it pass us by. We can't find ourselves waking up one day having let this incredible opportunity slip away. Please don't waste a perfectly good crisis!"

The above is an excerpt from the book Becoming a Category of One: How Extraordinary Companies Transcend Commodity and Defy Comparison by Joe Calloway. The above excerpt is a digitally scanned reproduction of text from print. Although this excerpt has been proofread, occasional errors may appear due to the scanning process. Please refer to the finished book for accuracy.

Copyright © 2009 Joe Calloway, author of Becoming a Category of One: How Extraordinary Companies Transcend Commodity and Defy Comparison

Author Bio

Joe Calloway, author of Becoming a Category of One: How Extraordinary Companies Transcend Commodity and Defy Comparison, is a consultant on employee engagement and performance whose client list reads like a Who's Who of business -- from newspapers in Sweden, hotels in Great Britain, and computer companies in South Africa to world brands like BMW and IBM. He speaks frequently on business trends and has been inducted into the International Speakers Hall of Fame.

For more information, visit

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Orignal From: Don't Waste a Perfectly Good Crisis

Web Page Monitoring - The Inner Workings of Content Monitoring Tools and Services


A wealth of content is available on the Web.

With the aid of the most dominant search engines like Google, Microsoft Live or Yahoo, most Internet users have mastered content discovery.

On the other hand, keeping up to date with content updates is a challenge for most Internet users that do not use

Some users have turned to "RSS feeds" which are slowly increasing in popularity. In addition, some websites have deployed proprietary content update alert technology, but not all users are interested in managing the complexity of new technology like RSS feeds. Others do not want to invest precious resources learning yet another update notification service that only applies to a particular website.

These days, everyone can name their favorite website and most people are comfortable with using e-mail services. RSS technology, however, is still not widely understood and/or adopted. In addition, most on-site update notification implementations are firmly under the control of the website owner's webmaster.

Power in the hands of only the site's webmaster often translates into fewer options for the casual Internet user. As such, most Internet users demand a simple means of tracking the "hidden" web, which is often times considered valuable content accessible only after entering a username and password.

Similarly, many corporate users have a business need for website change notification including monitoring sensitive content for any web-enabled content up to and including (1) new marketing announcements for a competitor, (2) the latest industry news and/or (3) joint venture partnerships between competitors.

Timely business information about an organization comes easily to insiders but those on the outside want and need much of the same information as insiders. In both cases, the information delivery must also be in as timely a manner as possible.

However it is many a webmaster standing in the way of the business needs of organizational "outsiders" who demand an simple solution to monitor changes specific to certain areas of the webmaster's public website.

Internet users value centralizing content monitoring and change notification with one, simple hosted solution.

How Web Page Monitoring Works

Definition: Web Page Monitoring is an online service that saves a subscribers favorite web pages, periodically monitors them for changes and sends an alert by e-mail with the changes included in the notification.

There are two approaches taken by web page monitoring providers.

* Download software
* Online web services

Of the two delivery options, online web page monitoring services are more flexible and easier to use. This is because, with an online solution, new features can easily be added to the system in real time thereby avoiding user inconveniences around downloading frequent software updates and/or software "patches" to fix security holes.

Also, downloading and installing software onto a laptop or workstation can also be a virus risk. Most large corporations have stringent policies against downloading/installing unknown and/or unproven software onto their personal computers and corporate networks.

With online web page monitoring, you also do not have to take extra steps to download software "patches" and security updates. Because there is no such thing with an online web service...


Web Page Monitoring: Service Benefits

Top 10 reasons why you need a web page monitoring solution today!

1. Be the first to know about relevant content changes to the web content that interests you the most
2. Automatically, track any web-enabled content for updates
3. Monitor high value content hidden behind password protected web pages
4. Track changes to dynamic web searches and HTML forms
5. Use custom cookies to further unlock the hidden web to content monitoring
6. Avoid computer viruses because there is nothing to download when you use a web service
7. Monitor sensitive content such as a competitor's website, press releases or online price changes -- all done confidentially and privately from the web page monitoring service's (anonymous third-party) proxy servers
8. Leverage a unique, self-healing technical implementation for proactive web page change tracking that consistently delivers results that other services are unable to match
9. Collaborate with content monitoring experts offering premium web page monitoring services
10. Work anywhere as you work online...

Web Page Monitoring: Business Case

Web users from all walks of life use web page monitoring services to track their favorite content for changes.

* Sales Professionals
* Business Executives
* Intellectual Property Attorneys
* Newsletter Publishers
* Librarians and Information Researchers
* Software Developers
* Software Buyers
* Message Board Subscribers
* Job Seekers

TIP: The most popular web page monitoring solution features content changes with color coded highlights, often in red and green. Red is used for removed content while green is often used for recently added content.

Most popular web page monitoring solution:

Janice Farley is a writer for the most popular web page monitoring service ChangeDetect - . Signup for your free trial account.

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Orignal From: Web Page Monitoring - The Inner Workings of Content Monitoring Tools and Services

Making Your Business Fiscally Fit in Tough Times

There’s not one employee in your business, from the CEO down to the lowest level worker, who intentionally tries to create waste or fail in their assigned work assignments. Everyone wants to do a good job. But it’s just human nature, plain and simple; to strive for and attain success in all endeavors we are tasked with accomplishing. Sadly, many of us unwittingly follow the path of least resistance - even when we’re pushing toward our goals.

There are times when shortcuts start to become standard business practice over time as we attempt to avoid the less desirable jobs, and in doing so, we make mistakes, generate waste and experience risk that, not only depletes the bottom-line, but also hurts productivity, customer satisfaction and loyalty. Ultimately the future of your organization is at the very center of your risk factor. Today it is important to identify, quantify and begin to eliminate wasted efforts in your company which will ultimately save dollars; the fuel that puts everything in motion in today’s business setting.

Because we find ourselves in a powerful and destructive global recession; there has never been a better time to get rid of the waste in our organizations as we push toward the financial and emotional fitness of our businesses. Some tough decisions will have to be made; unpleasant decisions that no one wants to make. But in order to truly succeed you need to act on these issues, get a commitment from your management team to plan for action and motivate the team, and make sure that you empower your workforce to get the job done - from the top down.

In order to, at least, stay in the game, one of the first issues you’re going to have to deal with is cash flow. If it is possible, lower the cost of doing business and do it fast. For most companies, the decision is almost made for them; we’ve seen throughout the recession all over the world. Just cut the employee roster. But before you watch valuable employees walk out the door and perhaps into the hands of competitors, you might consider cutting salaries by a percentage before cutting them altogether. You might also want to forego a planned program or two that was on the drawing board; maybe put it on hold for a quarter or two. Or dip into dormant lines of credit. Frequently business owners set up lines of credit they don’t use. The CEO may have it on hand for a “rainy day” and that day has finally arrived. If you get creative you just might find a lot of methods that might help you loosen up the cash flow, at least long enough to get to the next hurdle.

Another step in the process is to become as unique and innovative as possible. Whether you are thinking “inside” or “outside” some imaginary box, your business must generate an excess of interest in your product or service. Normally that means doing something completely different. Find better ways to use the technology that exists in your company to make more profit. Being innovative will require you and your staff to try things that a year ago would have sounded bizarre. The management team must be prepared to offer unusual suggestions; but maybe even more difficult, they must also be prepared to carry out those same outlandish suggestions. It’s always the thing you never considered that will be the original idea to ultimately guide the company out of its doldrums.

There are a numerous “tried and true” methods of doing business that can be used and will help you survive even in the toughest of times. Then, when things start to pick up, you will have a business that is ready to make more profit than it ever did before. -For more than a decade, James Dicks has been one of the nation's leading educators on the subject of Real Estate, Stocks, Options, the Foreign Exchange Market and empowering investors to handle their own investments.

James is living his dream by helping investors and businesses overcome the hurdles of reaching their financial goals. Millions of people have heard James’ message of diversification, money management and financial freedom and thousands have attended one of his many free workshops. Increasing investment knowledge is James' goal and he strives to reach this goal by using a common sense approach that investors of all types can utilize on their road to financial freedom.

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Orignal From: Making Your Business Fiscally Fit in Tough Times

The importance of a company uniform

If you have your own company you want to let your staff know that they are a part of your business and one great way to show them that they belong is by having a company uniform.  Many workers will take pride in wearing a uniform for a reputable company and by having one for your business you are instilling an important mantra in their mind too.

When wearing a uniform you are representing the organisation that you work for, like a police uniform is a clear indicator that they are an officer of the law and approachable if you are in need of assistance.  Likewise when your workers wear their uniform or work wear they are representing your company and its standards.  Many workers say that working whilst wearing a uniform gives them a sense of belonging and responsibility to doing their jobs well and providing better customer service.

Many companies will not know exactly what processes there are to follow in order to get a good deal on buying a company uniform.  The process can be both expensive and a long one as you may have a large work force at multiple locations or require extras such as aprons if you work in the catering business.

Being able to buy multiple amounts of each size is an ideal starting point so that you have most sizes all ready to go, once you have this smaller orders for individual sizes can be made as and when they are needed.

Another approach is to audit your workers and get the sizes ordered to specification.  This is great for companies where your workforce is already working for you but new businesses don’t have this to rely on.  Also with people retiring or moving jobs you can never be sure that the uniform you’ve ordered will still have a member of staff to wear it when it arrives.

Another key consideration has to be the logo, the corporate logo on your work wear or uniform is what identifies the worker as a member of staff and so it needs to be clearly visible.  In most businesses a small logo on the upper left chest area is sufficient whilst other companies may want a larger more visible logo.  This is all down to personal opinion but having a larger logo or making it more clearly visible (writing on the back) makes it easier for customers to spot members of staff to help them or ask a question.  

So having a corporate uniform can do wonders for your business, both for the customers and your workforce itself.

For the best corporate clothing option for your business check the options there are online. You can also get great deals on school uniforms

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Label Printers and Label Printing can aid efficiency in a medical lab

A medical lab can be a place where items are needed with nearly no notice. A medical lab is also a place where accuracy is a must. Efficiency is essential of the lab is going to run successfully. A label printer can make great strides in improving its efficiency so the technicians can devote time to more pressing matters.

Life in a medical lab can change quite rapidly. It can be quiet one second and then suddenly everyone is called to duty. In moments like this it is essential that all items are labelled and organized clearly. A label printer can assure this happens. They print high quality and clear labels for nearly all shapes and sizes. Test tubes, specimen jars and files are all well within the ability of a label printer. Clear and precise labels make items much easier to obtain when things are busy. This helps the lab run quickly and safely and reduces the stress on the staff.

Accuracy is essential for the successful operation of any medical lab. Items need to be marked clearly or there is a high potential for error. A label printer promises 100 percent accuracy and easy to read labels. They are also able to produce them quickly so items can be catalogued and stored at a much faster pace.

Paperwork is always attached to a medical lab. It is essential that this is done correctly and clearly. If not then it can pile up and create another set of problems. A label printer is excellent for printing name tags for filing purposes. Its high resolution ability will help assure that errors are reduced and records are filed properly. In the busy world of a medical lab a label maker can greatly aid its efficiency. It contributes most where speed and accuracy are needed.

Cri Davies is marketing manager for Etiquette Labels - UK Independent Experts in Labels, Label Printing, and Label Printing Solutions. For more information visit the Etiquette Network

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Exposed Secret On Starting A Business With Business Start Up Loan

As you plan on starting a business of your choice, it is possible to finance your business with business start up loan. This type of loan has helped many entrepreneurs to be successful in their various commercial enterprises. If you desire to start your own ventures and become your own boss, you can apply for start up capital to funds your trade.

There are secured and unsecured business starts up loan. Before you get secured loan, you must provide some security to guarantee your success of receiving the money. You can use any of your valuable property like share certificate, mutual funds, life insurance investment, home, real estate to acquire the funds.

Using high valuable security ensures borrowers to grant you with higher amount of money at a lower interest rate. On the other hand, if you do not have property to use as security or collateral, you can start your business entity by choosing the unsecured finance option. No security is required for unsecured business start up loan. Unsecured method of financing is good for a tenant or those that don't want to use their property to get loan.

You can take up the amount between $ 5,000 and $100,000. Loan repayment can take 3 to 25 year period depending on the nature of business, amount borrowed, credit facility policy, terms and conditions.

Finally, if you choose secured loan, you will enjoy the benefit of lower interest rate. While interest rate on unsecured credit is a little high, you can search for unsecured business start up loan at a very good rate to enable you stating a business with sufficient capital.

To Starting A Business With Business Start Up Loan, click here Business Start Up Loans

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Orignal From: Exposed Secret On Starting A Business With Business Start Up Loan

Getting support for your company through difficult times

Arguably, the sense of economic uncertainty that comes with recession has perhaps been worsened by the contrast between today’s climate and the benign conditions we’ve enjoyed for most of this decade. When the economy boomed, many businesses enjoyed spectacular growth. But over one or two years, there has been a correction of revenues that has challenged even healthy companies.

In these conditions, some businesses struggle to accurately predict their forecasts and cash flow requirements. Along with the possibility of falling revenues comes the prospect that customers may go out of business and leave debts unpaid, while others may choose to delay payment.

Traditional lending facilities that were adequate during the boom years may not suffice in the current climate. Even a temporary fall in order books, coupled with prolonged payment terms can make it hard to pay suppliers and staff. In the downturns of the 1980s and 1990s, companies could rely on the banks to provide the necessary buffer. Today, however, the situation is less certain. Two years after the collapse in the US subprime mortgage market, many banks are still repairing their balance sheets. Consequently, new finance can be hard to come by.

We’re here to help

The good news is that Venture remains committed to supporting business. This year we’re celebrating 20 years of helping thousands of businesses in times both good and bad, maintaining a consistent approach to UK business throughout.

We work in partnership with our clients, focusing on business plans and discussing challenges. We focus on key figures, such as revenues and margin, while also assessing cash flow needs. We also look at how the business is structured financially. Does the company have the right debt-to equity ratio, for instance? In some cases, it may be appropriate for the equity holders to inject more cash into the business in support of a new financing facility. The important point is to work in concert with management in order to fully understand their business.

By cultivating a thorough understanding of our clients, we're able to make a speedy and accurate assessment of the solution required. Our aim is to not just offer a financial solution for day one, but to offer a package that will work in practice for the foreseeable future.

There are times when we are unable to provide the level of finance requested. In these situations we do our best to move things forward. We may agree certain targets with our clients, which may well enable us to offer further support at a later stage. We have several ways of working hand in- hand with our Invoice Discounting and Factoring services, including Asset Based Loans against stock, plant and machinery, and property, together with loans through the Enterprise Finance Guarantee scheme. Our Bad Debt Protection service has also seen an increase in demand, providing clients with peace of mind in these challenging times.

Our wide range of services mean that we can offer comprehensive packages that suit the requirements of a wide range of company needs. We remain very much here to help.

Stephen Farrelly is writing on behalf of Venture Finance, providers of Factoring, invoice finance and asset based lending services

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Orignal From: Getting support for your company through difficult times