Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Does Your Job Fit You? Why a Good Job Fit is Important in a Bad Economy

How do you know if your job is a fit? There are numerous career assessments that match your personality, interests, values and aptitudes with the right job for you.

These tests are great for determining career fit.

But what about job fit? Jobs change. People change.

When is the last time you took an inventory of your job to see how well it fits you?

Take this Quiz to help you decide if your job is still a fit.

1. Do you feel appreciated and valued?

Many employees don't. In fact, this is the most often cited complaint among professionals today. The employer may not share your point of view and, if asked, might exclaim, "Of course, we value you highly!"

But if valuing you just means adding more to your plate, then it can be incredibly difficult to feel appreciated. You are more likely feel overworked, perhaps even close to burnout.

2. Are you given choice in important things?
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